DuPage County Traffic Violation Defense Attorney

Traffic Ticket Lawyer Aggressively Serving Chicagoland Residents
At one point or another, most of us have been pulled over and/or cited for some form of traffic violation. With increasingly punitive driving laws in Illinois, what used to be a simple matter of paying a fine for speeding has now become an issue of what impact a ticket will have on your driving privileges. If you have recently been pulled over for a moving violation, it may be far more serious than you think. A conviction for a traffic violation can result in serious consequences, from high fines, increased insurance rates, license suspension, criminal convictions and even jail time.
Since 1996, our firm has been defending drivers facing traffic violations in DuPage, Cook, Kane, Will and Kendall County. Stacey has invaluable experience minimizing the effect a moving violation will have on your finances and your freedom. In certain situations, she will assist you in getting a disposition of court supervision, or seeking an amendment of your moving violation to a non-moving violation, or requesting a reduction in the alleged speed so as to minimize the impact on your driving privileges.
Traffic Violations in Illinois
If you have received a ticket for a moving violation in Illinois, it is important for you to understand the consequences of a finding of guilt on that ticket. Some of the more common Illinois traffic violations include:
- Talking/Texting While Driving
- Driving an Uninsured Vehicle
- Improper Lane Usage
- Failure to Reduce Speed to Avoid an Accident
- Disobeying a Traffic Control Device
- Speeding (Construction Zone, School Zone, Aggravated Speeding
- Driving with a Suspended or Revoked License (DWLS/DWLR)
- Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
- Reckless Driving
- Fleeing the Scene of an Accident
Texting and Driving is Illegal Statewide
As of January 1, 2014, Illinois Law prohibits the use of all hand-held devices while driving. Only hands-free technology (such as Bluetooth) is allowed. Moreover, ALL cell phone use is prohibited while driving in a school zone or construction zone. Fines for talking/texting while driving in Illinois start at $75.00 though court costs can be far more substantial, and as a primary law, officers can pull you over without witnessing any other traffic violation.
Speeding Tickets in Illinois
If you are facing a speeding ticket, it is important to consult an attorney familiar with the Illinois Vehicle Code before paying any fine by mail or appearing in court alone. Illinois Traffic Laws have undergone major changes recently, and you may be unwittingly subjecting your license to suspension if you are unaware of the consequences. If you are issued a speeding ticket, it is critical to review your citation and seek advice:
- Construction Zone Speeding: Speeding in a construction zone is more serious than a regular, petty speeding offense. A first offense carries a mandatory minimum $250 fine, and a second offense carries a minimum $750 fine. In addition, a second violation in 2 years will lead to the suspension of your driving privileges.
- School Zone Speeding: If you are found guilty of Speeding in a School Zone, a first offense carries a minimum $150 fine, and a second carries a minimum $300 fine. More importantly, the law does not allow for a disposition of court supervision for Speeding in a School Zone. A conviction is mandatory.
- Aggravated Speeding: If you are issued a ticket for speeding at least 26 miles over the speed limit, you are likely charged with a misdemeanor offense. If you are caught speeding between 26 mph and 34 mph above the speed limit, it is a Class B Misdemeanor, punishable by up to 180 days in jail and up to a $1,500 fine. If you are caught speeding 35 miles or more over the limit, you are facing a Class A Misdemeanor charge, which carries up to 364 days in jail and up to a $2,500 fine.
Supervision is not an allowable disposition on an Aggravated Speeding charge, and a conviction will be entered on your record. When defending a speeding ticket, we will examine the circumstances surrounding the case such as the method used by the officer to record your speed and/or if the speed limit was clearly marked (a common point of contention in construction zones). Under certain circumstances, a request can be made to amend the ticket to minimize the impact on your driving record. With certain exclusions, some referenced above, you may be eligible for a disposition of court supervision which will not result in points being assessed on your driving record.
Keep in mind that by simply paying a moving violation or speeding ticket by mail, you may be subjecting yourself to a conviction. Too many convictions can result in the suspension of your driving privileges. Therefore, it is all the more important to consult an experienced traffic defense attorney if you have been issued a traffic citation.
Contact our firm today at 630-871-1700 for an Initial Attorney Meeting. We will review your ticket and your driving history to determine the best way to assist you. Our law firm represents clients in criminal legal cases, traffic violations, juvenile defense cases, and expungements throughout Wheaton, Lombard, St. Charles, Geneva, Oak Brook, Maywood, DuPage County, Kane County, Will County, Cook County, and Kendall County.